Water Crisis! Swisatec design water saving apartments

“It is important to bear in mind that the time to save water is when there is water to save, and we should therefore not become complacent about our water saving efforts. Cape Town will never be in the position of having sufficient water to waste, and we must continue to be vigilant. “

Dam levels in the Western Cape have dropped from a high 90% in the years 2012 -2014 to a staggering 65% in 2016. We are currently facing major water restrictions and the dams in 2017 are at an all-time low. With the high influx of people and with suburbs growing at a rapid pace, the dams are having to cater for more households than what they usually service. This increase in demand for water and the shortage of rainfall is a clear indication that water needs to be consumed sparingly.

Swisatec are incorporating water saving instruments in their upcoming project such as shower to sprinkler systems. Research shows that the average shower uses +- 120 litres of water! The water that is usually wasted when you shower will be collected and stored in a large tank. The water will be passed through a clarifying filter into another tank, from where water will be used to water the greenery and surrounding landscape of the property.

Re-using the water alleviates the need for water provided by the city of Cape Town, reduces pollution, nurtures the vegetation and saves on costs. A beneficial situation for both the residents and the environment.  

Another innovative method that will be used in the upcoming Blue Rock Village project is the use of a central hot water system. The central source is heated through three different ways:

1.    Solar Energy

2.    Heat exchange through the air

3.    Heat exchange through Blue Rock Lake 

The piping from the central source to the apartments are fully insulated, retaining the heat inside so that it will not get lost when the water is flowing to the tap. This method insures instant hot water when turning the tap on. Most households switch on their hot water and let the water to run until it heats up to a comfortable temperature, wasting litres of water each day. Eliminating the wait helps to save the amount of water used.

